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Applying for the I/ECMH Endorsement®


What is my Category?

The 6 categories of Endorsement are tied to a Scope of Practice.


* Promotion (FA)

*Prevention (FS)

*Licensed MH Therapist (MHS)

*Macro/Systems Leader (MHM)

*RSC Provider (ERS & MHM-C)


What are Competencies?

Each IECMH Endorsement category is based on a set of competencies designed to support and enhance culturally sensitive, relationship focused practice within the framework of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health. 


How much does Endorsement cost?

There are fees associated with pursuing and maintaining      your I/ECMH Endorsement. 


To begin the process, the following fees are required:

$60 VAIMH Membership

$50 Registration 


What if I have questions?

​For questions, please contact



Apply:  Any time

Acceptance Notification:

Typically within 15 business days of submission

Upon achieving Endorsement, you will receive an official Endorsement® certificate and can indicate your Endorsement using the I/ECMH-E® mark to let employers, parents, health and legal practitioners, and insurance providers know that you have expertise related to the social and emotional development of infants and young children and their families. Your name and credential will then be added to the Virginia Infant Mental Health Endorsement Registry housed on the VAIMH and EASy website.

Renewal of your Endorsement is required


Endorsement® is an ongoing process dedicated to annual professional development as it relates to IECMH principles. Please see the Endorsement Renewal page for more information.

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