December Renewals
For IECMH Applicants & Endorsees Whose:
VAIMH Membership
FS * MHS * MHM-C Endorsees:
Confirm you are on track to receive your 12 hours of RS/C required for Renewal by December from an:
​​Infant or Early Childhood
Family Specialist-ERS
Mental Health Specialist-ERS
Mental Health Mentor-Clinical
Steps to Renew
Access your Endorsement in EASy
Infant Family Specialist
Endorsed: 09/21/2022
Renewal Due: 12/31/2024
Renew Endorsement
Archive Endorsement
Edit Endorsement
Renewal Attestation
You will review each renewal requirement (see below) and attest to having successfully obtained each requirement.
Failure to attest by December 31 will result in removal from the Endorsement Registry.
Renewal Fee
Payable via EASy or include in VAIMH Membership Renewal
Renewal Certificate
Upon notification that your renewal is complete, the Endorsement Coordinator will email your renewal certificate to you.
The next renewal date is 12.31.2027.
Alliance Endorsement Renewal Changes
What's New?
Documentation: Starting December 2024, VAIMH's endorsed professionals are no longer required to enter training and RSC experience in EASy for annual renewal. (This option remains available for those who prefer this form of documentation tracking.)
Audit: Beginning with the 2027 Endorsement renewal, a percentage of endorsees will be randomly selected for audits each renewal cycle. Those selected will be required to provide records in EASy to demonstrate compliance.
Flexibility: In moving to a 3-year renewal cycle, there is flexibility in meeting the same total required hours over three years, which takes into account maternity leave, medical leave, job transfers, and other life events.
Amended Requirements: In December 2027, endorsees will attest to receiving 45 hours of training and 36 hours of RS/C (if applicable) between Jan. 1, 2025-Dec. 31, 2027.
Note: These hours will be prorated for applicants earning Endorsement in the "in-between" years.
Fee: VAIMH's annual Endorsement Renewal fee has remained steady at $40 each year. In moving to a 3-year renewal cycle, our adjusted renewal fee in 2027 (and each renewal thereafter) will be $75.00 (a savings of $45 over the 3-year period).
​​Note: While documentation in EASy will no longer be a renewal requirement, we do recommend ongoing organization of your training and RS/C renewal hours for possible auditing purposes. (Click on the template below for an example.)